Monday, November 7, 2011


The boys had a great Halloween! Ethan was SpiderMan, and Logan was Elmo. We let them pick out their own costumes. We still have a ton of candy.

Rachel had a sleepover on Saturday night. Ethan called me before they went to bed to tell me he lost his first tooth. He was brushing his teeth and it fell in the sink. Thank goodness Aunt Rachel was able to save it! The Tooth Fairy brought him $1.50 at Aunt Rachel's and another gold $1.00 at our house.

Ethan is really beginning to read. He loves to read his Star Wars books and all his books from school. I can't believe how quickly he is growing up.

~ Becky

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Long Week

Well, it's been a long week already and it's only Tuesday :(
I began working full time, and yesterday was my first day. I will definitely need time to adjust to the new schedule. It has been extremely difficult waking up extra early, getting both boys to two different schools, driving to downtown Dallas, working a full day, and coming home to be a wife and mom for a couple hours before bedtime. I am quickly remembering why it was so easy making the decision to quit teaching.
I have started a new career with Academic Partnerships. I worked with them as a contractor for two months doing Instructional Design. I have moved into the position of Corporate Trainer - Instructional Design. Trying to juggle my new job responsibilities is a difficult task as well, but I am enjoying it so far.
Jake and the boys are adjusting a little better than I am. They are all very tired.

My brother DJ was in town the last couple of weeks. We all had a great time visiting and playing with him. He just left today and we already miss him.

My Mom and Dad were remarried on September 24. We had a wonderful celebration.

Good night!

~ Becky

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Logan had his first Whamball game today. This is a video of his second at bat because I missed the first at bat while coaching Ethan's first t-ball game. And it is my birthday today! Logan did well for his short attention span. He spent most of the time that the team was in the field playing in the dirt. While he was running the bases between batters he would lay down on the base and look as though he was swimming.

Ethan had a great game today, although he did let a few balls past him. He was in left field today and he got to the past balls in a hurry and threw them in quickly to hold the runners to only singles and doubles, to that is a great improvement!

I am proud of both of my boys, they are the greatest birthday presents!

Sunday, August 28, 2011


WOW! It is so hard to believe that Ethan is in Kindergarten already. The evening before his first day he was a busy little bee. He was very excited! He memorized his school number. He loves typing it into the calculator. He shows me every morning so I will remember it, too. He cleaned up all his toys, and Logan's. Then he made his lunch so he could go to sleep.

First Day of Kindergarten

This is what he said after his first day when Daddy picked him up, 
"Kindergarten was awesome!"
And when he got home, the first thing he said to Nonny was, 
"I had fun at school!"

I have to admit I was both sad and excited when I dropped him off the first day. Okay, and the rest of the week as well.

Logan also had a difficult time adjusting to Big Brother being in school all day. The first day, Nonny came to stay with Logan. Ethan and I were about to leave and Logan started putting on his sandals. He wanted to go with us. He started to cry when I told him Nonny was going to stay home with him. It just broke my heart. We had a tough morning. When we got to school, Ethan walked right in and sat at his desk. No tears! (from Ethan)

The second day Ethan says, "I have lots of new friends." He also told us about some rules at school. "Red" means timeout and you have to sit and watch everybody else play. He doesn't want "Red."
Logan went with me to drop Ethan off. He wanted to stay at Ethan's Dragon school. They are the Daulton Dragons. Too cute. So I asked some of the teachers if they had a class for Logan to stay in, but they said no.

The third day he said he went to the gym and the gym teacher told him to run home. Ethan told the teacher, "But I don't want to run home." Still not sure about this one. Ethan is super excited for fun Fridays at school. He gets to play with the kitchen and computers.

The fourth day we had a great conversation over dinner. Whoever picks him up from school waits to ask him about his day. This way he has to talk about it only once. So we decided to make this a dinner ritual. When we asked about his day, he told us he went to the music room. Daddy asked him if he got to play the guitar. He said, "No, we learned about a composer." We asked, "What is a composer?" He said Bach is a composer. Bach is with a "C." We asked what a composer does. He said a composer writes notes for you to sing.

The rest of the week, Logan had a pretty good time getting Mommy's full attention.

And Ethan is having a wonderful time! Hopefully week two will be a little easier for everyone.

~ Becky

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Mac and Cheese

It's always a great day when you can make two boxes of mac and cheese for the family and you and your two year old son almost finish it! Ethan does not like pasta of any kind so Becky, Logan, and myself polished off almost all of the two boxes. It was awesome! Logan is such a machine when it comes to eating. Ethan does not understand it when we tell him that Logan is going to be bigger than him soon.

We spent last night on our boat and watched to moon rise. Ethan was full of questions that most five year old's would never ask. "What is on Mars?" "When will space ships land here?" "Why does the fish bait smell bad?" Ok, the last one everyone asks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Christmas in July?

I asked Ethan if he wanted to put something on his Christmas list... So, the boys decided to give us their Christmas lists tonight. It's too cute to not share!

  • Star Wars Legos (lots of Star Wars Legos)
  • Lots of Star Wars 

  • Candy Canes

Hahahahaha! I love my boys SO much!

~ Becky

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fun in June

The past couple of weeks have been very busy but very fun!

Splash Factory!

Jake and I made the cake for Ethan's end of season TBall party.

Coach Gifts
all the boys signed baseballs for the coaches

Father's Day!

The Oasis for Becky's Birthday!

Feeding the fish

Our boys after Church

~ Becky

Saturday, June 11, 2011

This Week

Want to share a few photos from this week

The boys fell asleep together. 
Too sweet! 

Learning time. 
The boys wanted to make a picture for Daddy.
They gave them to him when he got home from work. 

We are not looking forward to the day when their feet fit in these shoes! 

Ethan's TBall team won 1st place! 
We had 4 total teams in our Division. Ethan should have played Wham Ball with the 4 year olds, but his coach from the Fall pulled him up to the 5 year old team! We are glad because he learned a ton! He loves the boys on the team and all the coaches! Ethan is the youngest one on the team. Sammy is missing from this photo. Ethan is in the middle row on the right. 
We had a great season! 

# 8 
Ethan with his favorite Coach!

~ Becky

Sunday, June 5, 2011

TBall Tournament

Wow we had an exhausting weekend. Ethan had a tournament. We had 2 games on Saturday--won the first, lost the second. And 2 games today--won the first and lost the second. He hit a triple and got a few RBIs! He also hit in the winning runs this morning! It was 100° + out there. whew! The boys didn't even want to play it was so hot.
Logan loves going to Ethan's games to "watch" him play. Although his definition of watch is: play with everything he can get his hands on and eat as many snacks as he can find and run off as far as he can before he gets caught. It's been a challenge for me to watch Ethan play and keep an eye on Logan at the same time. The terrible two's have definitely began. But I would not change it for anything!!!
What a great experience we are having being the parents of two amazing boys!
My Mom, Dad, Sister and Doug also came to Ethan's tournament. Thank you for the support! oh, and helping me keep up with Logan :)
~ Becky

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Tonight was Ethan's second to last T-ball game. We won! And we beat the team that beat us on a technicality last time we played them. That was nice. We have a T-ball tourney this weekend, then one last game on Tuesday! Daddy can't wait till T-ball is over!!!!

Logan and Ethan were so cute tonight after the game and shower. We called Grandma to wish her a happy birthday and they were being just adorable. It is those moments that you are so happy to be a parent. It made yesterday so worth it, we had a bad evening yesterday.


Monday, May 30, 2011


We had a busy day yesterday. I did a 5K first thing in the morning with my sister, Rachel. Thank goodness she was there! I am pretty sure I would not have finished if she had not been there with me. We both walked/jogged the course. I finished in 41 minutes. She finished in 43 minutes. It was definitely not our best time, but we are happy to have completed it!

Then we spent the day in McKinney with Jake. He was offered some overtime! They were shooting a couple of Meritage Homes for a TV show called Designer Showdown. He was in the cabinet shots. They got lots of shots of his Timberlake Logo on his sleeve. :) He said he got to talk a little bit. It will be on HGTV on September 5th at 9 pm. Hopefully I will remember so I can send everyone a reminder to tune in!

The boys and I found a local church with a shaded playground. That is where we spent part of the day while Jake was working. Our plan was to eat at the In-N-Out that just opened up in Allen. However, when we arrived for lunch, there were SO many cars waiting. People were parking across the street and walking two or three blocks just to eat there. The drive through line was longer than a football field. They even had parking attendants. It was as bad as a Rangers Baseball game. It's a great burger, but we didn't have three hours to spend waiting in line. So we found a MooYah burger close by and that satisfied us.

We met some friends for dinner at Cracker Barrel in Arlington to complete our day. I love Sundays! It's our day to spend together as a family!

~ Becky

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Ethan's 5th Birthday Party

Ethan turned 5 a few weeks ago. We had his party at Joe Pool Lake, his favorite place to play! Lots of his friends came to celebrate with him. We all had a great time!


He loves Legos!

~ Becky

Ethan's Graduation

Ethan graduated from PreSchool on Tuesday, May 17th.
He got the award "Mr. Sign Language." His teacher said that she would have to watch Ethan to make sure she was in the right place. He kept her on track :)

 Ms. Cheryl, Giraffe Teacher

Ms. MaryK, Giraffe Teacher

Ethan had a great year at TLC!

~ Becky

Friday, May 20, 2011


We just got home from the store. On the drive home Ethan counted to 100, and he wants to tell daddy that 100 comes after 99. Then he counted by tens to 100. After that he decided to count backwards by tens. He loves reading the speed limit signs and tell me how fast (or slow) I should be driving. If there are two signs, he wants to know how much that makes. He knows that 50 and 50 make 100. And 45 and 45 make 90. How cute!

The boys have been playing Hide and Seek. It's really cute to watch Logan play. He covers his eyes, counts to ten, and says "Ready, here come."

~ Becky

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Getting too old?

I went to the picnic celebration today for Ethan and Logan at the TLC. Ethan has just turned 5 and already ignores his parents when in public! When do they learn this?! Ethan would not wave to me as he ran by playing with his friends. He would not give Nonny or Rachel hugs. He was just TOO good for us! I did not know that this started so early in life! At least Logan was still excited to see Daddy. It makes me sad that Ethan is growing up, but I am glad that he is making friends easily.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Family

This family was created on July 20, 2002. Our first son, Ethan, was born in May of 2006. Our second son, Logan, was born in October of 2008. Milo, our Jack Russell Terrier, has been a part of the family since 1999, when Jake and Becky first started dating.

Jake is working on his last few classes for his Bachelor's Degree! He can't wait to graduate...

Becky has been tutoring part time, teaching at a preschool, and teaching french horn and piano lessons.

Ethan just had his 5th Birthday. He is loving the Wii. He also enjoys Legos and Transformers. He is on the Grand Prairie Rangers T Ball team. He is getting much better! Last night he hit a double!

Logan is 2 1/2. He loves Thomas the Train and everything that Ethan likes. He is growing up so fast. He is talking more and more every day.

Milo is busy sleeping and barking at the other animals in the neighborhood.

We take the boat out as often as possible!

It's time to go read some books to the boys. I hope to post fairly often to keep you informed of our family's fun!