Want to share a few photos from this week
The boys fell asleep together.
Too sweet!
Learning time.
The boys wanted to make a picture for Daddy.
They gave them to him when he got home from work.
We are not looking forward to the day when their feet fit in these shoes!
Ethan's TBall team won 1st place!
We had 4 total teams in our Division. Ethan should have played Wham Ball with the 4 year olds, but his coach from the Fall pulled him up to the 5 year old team! We are glad because he learned a ton! He loves the boys on the team and all the coaches! Ethan is the youngest one on the team. Sammy is missing from this photo. Ethan is in the middle row on the right.
We had a great season!
# 8
Ethan with his favorite Coach!
~ Becky