Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fun in June

The past couple of weeks have been very busy but very fun!

Splash Factory!

Jake and I made the cake for Ethan's end of season TBall party.

Coach Gifts
all the boys signed baseballs for the coaches

Father's Day!

The Oasis for Becky's Birthday!

Feeding the fish

Our boys after Church

~ Becky

Saturday, June 11, 2011

This Week

Want to share a few photos from this week

The boys fell asleep together. 
Too sweet! 

Learning time. 
The boys wanted to make a picture for Daddy.
They gave them to him when he got home from work. 

We are not looking forward to the day when their feet fit in these shoes! 

Ethan's TBall team won 1st place! 
We had 4 total teams in our Division. Ethan should have played Wham Ball with the 4 year olds, but his coach from the Fall pulled him up to the 5 year old team! We are glad because he learned a ton! He loves the boys on the team and all the coaches! Ethan is the youngest one on the team. Sammy is missing from this photo. Ethan is in the middle row on the right. 
We had a great season! 

# 8 
Ethan with his favorite Coach!

~ Becky

Sunday, June 5, 2011

TBall Tournament

Wow we had an exhausting weekend. Ethan had a tournament. We had 2 games on Saturday--won the first, lost the second. And 2 games today--won the first and lost the second. He hit a triple and got a few RBIs! He also hit in the winning runs this morning! It was 100° + out there. whew! The boys didn't even want to play it was so hot.
Logan loves going to Ethan's games to "watch" him play. Although his definition of watch is: play with everything he can get his hands on and eat as many snacks as he can find and run off as far as he can before he gets caught. It's been a challenge for me to watch Ethan play and keep an eye on Logan at the same time. The terrible two's have definitely began. But I would not change it for anything!!!
What a great experience we are having being the parents of two amazing boys!
My Mom, Dad, Sister and Doug also came to Ethan's tournament. Thank you for the support! oh, and helping me keep up with Logan :)
~ Becky

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Tonight was Ethan's second to last T-ball game. We won! And we beat the team that beat us on a technicality last time we played them. That was nice. We have a T-ball tourney this weekend, then one last game on Tuesday! Daddy can't wait till T-ball is over!!!!

Logan and Ethan were so cute tonight after the game and shower. We called Grandma to wish her a happy birthday and they were being just adorable. It is those moments that you are so happy to be a parent. It made yesterday so worth it, we had a bad evening yesterday.
