Sunday, August 28, 2011


WOW! It is so hard to believe that Ethan is in Kindergarten already. The evening before his first day he was a busy little bee. He was very excited! He memorized his school number. He loves typing it into the calculator. He shows me every morning so I will remember it, too. He cleaned up all his toys, and Logan's. Then he made his lunch so he could go to sleep.

First Day of Kindergarten

This is what he said after his first day when Daddy picked him up, 
"Kindergarten was awesome!"
And when he got home, the first thing he said to Nonny was, 
"I had fun at school!"

I have to admit I was both sad and excited when I dropped him off the first day. Okay, and the rest of the week as well.

Logan also had a difficult time adjusting to Big Brother being in school all day. The first day, Nonny came to stay with Logan. Ethan and I were about to leave and Logan started putting on his sandals. He wanted to go with us. He started to cry when I told him Nonny was going to stay home with him. It just broke my heart. We had a tough morning. When we got to school, Ethan walked right in and sat at his desk. No tears! (from Ethan)

The second day Ethan says, "I have lots of new friends." He also told us about some rules at school. "Red" means timeout and you have to sit and watch everybody else play. He doesn't want "Red."
Logan went with me to drop Ethan off. He wanted to stay at Ethan's Dragon school. They are the Daulton Dragons. Too cute. So I asked some of the teachers if they had a class for Logan to stay in, but they said no.

The third day he said he went to the gym and the gym teacher told him to run home. Ethan told the teacher, "But I don't want to run home." Still not sure about this one. Ethan is super excited for fun Fridays at school. He gets to play with the kitchen and computers.

The fourth day we had a great conversation over dinner. Whoever picks him up from school waits to ask him about his day. This way he has to talk about it only once. So we decided to make this a dinner ritual. When we asked about his day, he told us he went to the music room. Daddy asked him if he got to play the guitar. He said, "No, we learned about a composer." We asked, "What is a composer?" He said Bach is a composer. Bach is with a "C." We asked what a composer does. He said a composer writes notes for you to sing.

The rest of the week, Logan had a pretty good time getting Mommy's full attention.

And Ethan is having a wonderful time! Hopefully week two will be a little easier for everyone.

~ Becky